
Making The Game – Teil 15: Spielablauf und Spielphasen

The development of the component of the Games is one of the most elaborate parts of the application. So during the analysis and design phase of the game a flow chart from the players perspective is created (see right). After choosing the ammount of players in the round, the general procedure is explained to them, after which a short intro is played before the question shows up. After the fourth and eighth round of questions a mini-game starts in order to create variety in the game. After the second mini-game the high score is shown and the game is over.   As the players point of view is different from […]


Die inoffizielle Google Text-To-Speech API

The fact that Googles Translation-Application translate.google.com offers the possibility to readout an inserted text (TTS text to speech), is nothing new. The specialty, however, are the possibilities that arise through this feature.   The data for the audio output is in fact called by a simple HTTP GET (REST) ​​request:   http://translate.google.com/translate_tts?tl=de&q=text     By this request, which provides an MP3 file, can easily realize TTS-applications and works, thanks to the multilingualism of Google’s service, also for many other languages​​. The only drawback to this method is a limitation which allows only a maximum of 100 characters per request.   The main URL parameters in this case, the two for […]

Making The Game – Teil 5: Multi-Touch Frameworks (für Adobe Flash/Air) – Part 2

Zu Teil 1   Touchlib / Bubblebird TUIO-AS3 Framework Neben den Frameworks für native Touch-Ereignisse existieren Frameworks, die hauptsächlich auf die Verarbeitung von TUIO-Touch-Events ausgelegt sind, welche meistens von Multi-Touch-Tischen oder Multi-Touch-Wänden verwendet werden.   Touchlib ist eins der Frameworks, welches schon seit Langem für diese Zwecke entwickelt wird. Bereits vor der Einführung von nativen Touch-Events in Flashplayer 10.1 war es mittels einem Tracker (wie in Teil 3 bereits erklärt) und dem von der NUI-Group bereitgestellten Touchlib-Framework möglich Multi-Touch fähige Geräte und Anwendungen zu erstellen. Touchlib ist darüber hinaus, neben dem Flash Framework, auch ein Tracking Programm für Windows. Jedoch wird meistens das Plattformunabhängige Community Core Vision (CCV) eingesetzt um […]

Making The Game – Teil 1: Meine bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Multi-Touch Anwendungen

If you know me personally or have been a bit of rummaging in my blog you will know that I have already developed multi-touch applications and games during my studies.   These applications were written, in contrast to my current project, specifically for the Multi-Touch-Table in the graphics lab of the department of computer science, which had the disadvantage that these programs could only be tested and demonstrated there. Due to the technical progress since these days affordable Touch-PCs are available on the market. This has the advantage that Touch Applications can now be developed and tested at home.   In my Project i will use the MSI Wind Top […]


Making The Game – Prolog

Who expected that this blog is a description how to program a game in a short time will be disappointed.   The focus of this blog, alongside the development of a edutainment-game as part of my master thesis, is on the possibilities and capabilities of the current Multi-Touch-Hardware and applications and their use in education and training. Due to the rapid spread of smartphones in recent years many young users are used to control electrical devices via finger and the associated terminology is known. Experts believe that in the coming months and years the PC market is gradually conquered by this new technology, which is so far almost exclusively used […]


Braincademy 2010/2011

Due to the rapid spread of smartphones in recent years many young users are used to control electrical devices via finger and the associated terminology is known. During winter semester 2010/2011 i had the idea for a learning game for Multi-Touch devices and developed a prototype of this edutainment application i named “Braincademy”. It was supposed to teach pupils on high school how the Bubble sort algorithm works.   Unlike the previous project (the math learning game), the focus here was on usability and the design.   Multi-Touch-Table – Braincademy   Besides the actual game, I also developed a small drawing application during this semester, which also can be operated […]