Documentation: Canned Issues

Creating a canned issue (template)

Within the administration you are able to create and modify templates.

In order to create a new template use the Create Template button in the top right corner.

Within the template details screen you can set a Title for the template, which is later used in the dropdown on the create issue page.

Furthermore you can set the Body of the template. You can use all styling available in issue descriptions.


You have to set the Edit and View permission. Those control which user is able to use a certain template on the create issue page or even edit the template.
Without having the view permission set, no user is able to use your template.

After saving the template you notive that it has been added to the list of available templates within the administration.

Using a canned issue (template)

On creating a new issue you will notice a new field called Template. the dropdown shows all Templates available to the current user.

After selecting a template from the dropdown the description field gets replaced with the template saved before.

At this point you can continue creating your issue.

If there are no templates available to the current user the dropdown does not show!