
Making The Game – Teil 18: Konzept zum schulischen Einsatz und Ausblick

In summary it can be said that the objectives of the work have been achieved, although not all planned components of the application were implemented. Therefore this elements had to be added to the actual game before useing it in schools. This includes not only the creation of the particular subject-appropriate questions further a training mode is needed for the practical use.However, the quiz show is already fully implemented in the current version.   Concept for schools Since the application was developed primarily for use in schools, a concept of how the application will be used there is essential. As described previously the game is a “drill and practice”-application. Since […]


Making The Game – Teil 17: Evaluation und Einsatz der Anwendung

The aim of this work has been to develop an edutainment application for natural user interfaces that can be used in the classroom and at home. They should encourage children and young people on a funy way to test their newly acquired knowledge. Care was taken that the game motivates learners by appealing animations, cut scenes and mini-games.   Since it is important in the learning process that the learner feels comfortable, the actual knowledge query was packed in a trivia game. Thus, the player does not notice that he just answered questions that could be used ​​just as well in an exam.   General Due to time constraints, unfortunately, […]


Making The Game – Teil 15: Spielablauf und Spielphasen

The development of the component of the Games is one of the most elaborate parts of the application. So during the analysis and design phase of the game a flow chart from the players perspective is created (see right). After choosing the ammount of players in the round, the general procedure is explained to them, after which a short intro is played before the question shows up. After the fourth and eighth round of questions a mini-game starts in order to create variety in the game. After the second mini-game the high score is shown and the game is over.   As the players point of view is different from […]