
Making The Game – Teil 15: Spielablauf und Spielphasen

The development of the component of the Games is one of the most elaborate parts of the application. So during the analysis and design phase of the game a flow chart from the players perspective is created (see right). After choosing the ammount of players in the round, the general procedure is explained to them, after which a short intro is played before the question shows up. After the fourth and eighth round of questions a mini-game starts in order to create variety in the game. After the second mini-game the high score is shown and the game is over.   As the players point of view is different from […]


Making The Game – Teil 13: Das Soundmanagement

The sound design has a large share of the overall impact of games. Thus, the right music and a properly placed sound-effect subconsciously contribute to the current situation. The desired effect is often achieved only through the interaction of images and sound.   Besides the host of the application, who has only a accustic appearance, several effects and music parts are played, for example if the correct answer to a question is given. In order for this sounds to proceed simultaneously, but individually controllable, music, sound effects and speech are played on each separate audio channel. Through the use of channels we also ensure that only one voice file, per […]